Imagine that you walk into a room filled with 300 people and everyone in the room is wearing white. You, however, stick out like a sore thumb because you chose to wear purple that day. Would you be delighted with your bold uniqueness? Or would you start to feel a little uncomfortable when you realize that no one else in the room seems to be like you?
This is the reality that so many minority students face here at the University of Georgia and one particular student saw the need to change it. Debbie Ebalobo came to the University as the first person in her entire family to go to college. A Filipino-Scottish American, she quickly noticed the lack of diversity on campus and decided to participate in the Filipino American Student Association. From there she began attending seminars and conferences on diversity to see what she could do to make a change on campus. She then went on to join an Asian-Interest Sorority, Delta Phi Lambda Sorority Inc., and later to become president of the Asian American Student Association on campus.